
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Have a wonderful 2014


Good morning dear Ladies,

Here we are at the close of another year and the start of a new one.

It is the time to reflect and to look forward to another year of God’s providing for us.

The past three years I’ve chosen a word or words to think on for the coming year.  The first year 2012 was the word Hope, and my hope was most definitely in Jesus that year, as God took my dear husband of 43 years home to be with Him on the 9th of December.

This year, 2013, I thought of two words, Anticipation and Thankfulness.  Anticipation as to seeing how God would work things out in my life.  Thankfulness because I wanted to thank God even in the great loss of my life.

My word for this coming year is ‘Conqueror’, which means to be ‘victorious’.  That’s what I want to be in 2014, a victorious Conqueror. I don’t want to be afraid because I don’t have my husband by my side anymore. I still want to do things, as I am able to. I don’t want to think I can’t, but think I CAN, and it’s all because of Jesus.

From the day my husband left this planet, I told people, including doctors and nurses right after he left, that God was my strength and He certainly has been that this past year.

Dotti has been bringing ‘strength’ verses up to us to memorize at the past couple of meetings.  The first one in Philippians 4:13 has been a favorite of mine.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Neh. 8:10 says ~ The joy of the Lord is your strength

This was a new one to me and is another good verse to remember.

This morning I found another one in my devotional book “Jesus Calling” and it is from Isaiah 26:4

Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength:

With Jesus continually beside me, strengthening me, I can be a ‘Conqueror’.

What word can you think of to inspire you this coming year?

No matter what word you choose, always put your trust in Jesus. He does work all things out for His honor and glory. We often don’t know the reasons for why things happen in our lives, but He does, and one day we will know and rejoice.

Love and hugs and God’s continued blessings on each and every one of you ~ Rainey

