
Monday, February 3, 2014

New Jersey ‘Friends Needing Friends’ 01-28-14 Meeting


Good morning Ladies,

Dotti received photos from our sister group in NJ. What a large group they have. Of course, they have a head start on us, their group was started over 25 years ago and we will be just celebrating our 2nd year anniversary this month.

Dotti wrote the following:

Even with all the snow, many of the ladies attended the meeting in January 2014.



There are many ladies that are on the staff at New Jersey ‘Friends Needing Friends’ chapter.
The music is excellent each month by these two talented ladies.



The ladies at the welcome tables have been faithfully serving the Lord at ‘Friends Needing Friends’ for over 20 years.



Great precious memories seeing these beautiful faces.


Thank you Dotti for starting this group up all those years ago when you saw a need for widows.

It is a blessing to all there, and your new group in southeast Florida is a blessing as well.

Thank you for your dedication, love, time, prayers and encouragement that go into making

“Friends Needing Friends”.


Thank you all for your prayers for dear Dotti. She is doing really well, and is being released by all of her doctors this week. Let us all thank God for His tender love and mercies.


Have a lovely week.

Continue to pray for each other.

Thank God for the gift of each new day.

Let others know they are loved.
