
Monday, May 26, 2014

In the flurry of activity …


Hello Ladies ~ In the flurry of activity with our south FL Easter meeting/luncheon and trying to get everyone’s photo with the Easter bunny, I somehow missed Corinne and she was the winner of the most beautiful hat. (I think that was the title she was given by Josie.)

I emailed C. and asked if she would please bring her hat to our next meeting and she did.  Would you believe it, I almost forgot to get her picture again?  Here she is.


I have not been perfected yet, therefore, I sometimes miss photo shots.

Thank you ladies for being such good sports in posing with the leprechaun and then the Easter bunny, or any time I ask you to bunch up together and ask you to ‘smile’.

I am looking forward to our next meeting as we will be having a ‘celebration’. It’s only a couple of weeks away, so mark you calendars and bring a friend.

Have a great week all of you in NJ and in FL.
