
Friday, May 16, 2014

The Gift of Tears


“The Gift of Tears” is one of several poems written by Diana Clark after she lost her dear husband.

Here is her testimony/intro at the beginning of her booklet of poems, “Simply Put ~ Inspirational Poems of Hope as You Journey Through the Valley”


In 1994 my husband, George, had a heart attack at the age of 52.  It shocked everyone.  He was an active outdoorsman, sportsman and athletic coach, who exercised regularly and followed a healthy lifestyle and diet. For one fleeting moment he asked, “Why me?” and in the next moment he thought, “Why not me; I’m no better than anyone else.”

With his exceptional physical strength suddenly taken, he discovered a strength and peace that only comes from God. From that point on, George gradually became a “new creature in Christ” as described in the Word of God.  Bible devotion and prayer on bended knee became part of his daily life.  George was “born again.” Christ is his Saviour.  George regained his strength, resumed his active lifestyle and grew spiritually – life was good!

Then, out of nowhere, in February 2000 George was stricken with lymphoma.  What he endured for the three months that followed is a true testimony to our Lord.  He never pitied himself.  George, like the apostle Paul, believed that “to live is Christ and to die is gain.”  The Bible says, “… when I am weak, I am strong.”  Our family witnessed that strength.

We miss him more than we can possibly express, but through Jesus Christ we have “hope beyond the grave.”  I believe the Lord has provided a way for me to share this “hope” through the poetry you are about to read – TO GOD BE THE GLORY!


The Gift of Tears

If I could thread my teardrops
Upon a golden chain,
They would sparkle from His Light,
For they are gems by any name.
More precious than diamonds,
A gift from God above,
My tears release the sorrow-
An expression of my love.

Each tear releases sadness;
Each tear releases pain.
Designed by our Creator,
I praise His Holy Name
For tucking deep within me,
This balm to soothe my soul,
To spill upon my sullen cheeks,
To cleanse and make me whole.

Don't hide these jewels inside you
When they threaten to appear.
Humbly wear this treasured gift;
Invite Him to draw near.
Then kneel before the Father-
You are precious in His sight-
And soon your tears will sparkle
Beneath His healing Light.

"O Lord my God, I cried to You and You have healed me." Psalm 30:2

(READ: Psalm 126:5, Matthew 5:4, John 11:35)


With permission by: Diana Eileen Clark from her booklet

"Simply Put ~ Inspirational Poems of Hope

as You Journey Through the Valley"

