
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Christmas in July ~ Part 2 ~ New Jersey


Hello Ladies ~ Here it is the end of July and our sisters in New Jersey had their ‘Christmas in July’ meeting/luncheon yesterday. What a colorful group and they looked like they had a nice time together.

Here are two photos of the ladies taken with teddy bears for their teddy bear ministry. This ministry was started in 1995 and has been a blessing to many through the years since then.



Dotti asked me to post a photo of our FL group too, as both groups are involved in the teddy bear ministry.

Something about teddy bears makes us all smile.  Plus the fact that this ministry is about these bears being a reminder of God’s love for us and all who receive one, gives us reason to rejoice.


This group also has a ministry of giving out a little monthly devotional to their ladies.


They also give out Bibles to new ladies who have come three times to the meetings.


Look at their lovely Christmas dinner. Doesn’t it look scrumptious?


So, there we have it, our  “Christmas in July” meetings are over. We had great times.

As I close this post I ask that we all pray for Mary Lou who is having knee surgery this week.  May her surgery go smoothly and may her recovery be swift.


May you all feel the love of God enfolding you,

May you feel His strength and peace flowing through you as you go about each new day that you are blessed with.
