
Monday, December 1, 2014

Advent Arms of God


Dear Ladies ~ Here we are just a little over three weeks away from Christmas.  We have a wonderful message today to bless our hearts and start us out on this special holiday season.

May you feel the love, peace, joy and strength of God surrounding you and flowing through you as you read Pastor Stan’s message and listen to the song, “Wrap Me in Your Arms”.


Hello Ladies ~ What a special time of the year as the Advent season begins this first week of December as we both remember and celebrate the coming of Jesus that first Christmas.  I want to share with you a scripture the Lord put on my heart FOR YOU and then pray a special Christmas prayer for all of YOU.




A Prayer about the   "Advent Arms of God"

"You who bring Good News to Jerusalem, lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the town of Judah, "here is your God!" See, the Sovereign LORD comes with power, and his arm rules for him.  See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him.  He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart." Isaiah 40:9-11 [NIV]


Gracious Father, Advent is right upon us, this month of December as we remember and celebrate the coming of your own beloved son, the promised Messiah and our gracious Savior, Jesus Christ.  Grant to us that this season will be more than just Christmas carols, and Christmas candy and Christmas cookies and Christmas gifts, although it often includes that.  Surprise us Lord, in some unexpected ways this entire month as we engage in the story of Jesus' birth all over again.

Rescue us from the mundane and the predictable ways we think of Christmas.  Reshape how we feel about Christmas as we are reminded that through Jesus you brought Good News of Great Joy to the whole world, including us.  And we desperately need some Good News right now.  Help us not to be afraid but to be reminded and arrested by this picture Isaiah paints of your amazing "Advent Arms".  This promise of the Messiah carries with it the loving embrace we all need, especially around these holidays.

In Jesus, You come near to us as the sovereign Lord, with your sleeves rolled up as the powerful Ruler of the Universe.  To think that your arm rules over all history, all nations, all kings and all circumstances and that we are literally resting in your everlasting arms.  It's sometimes too much to even think about.

In Jesus we want and need you to come near to us as the most compassionate Shepherd ever, gathering us and carrying us your lambs in your all-powerful arms. The image and hope of You, the Great Shepherd, are staggering.  To be tended to as dumb sheep, to be held so close to your beating heart, to be gently led ~ What more could we possibly long for and need?

And these aren't just metaphors, Father.  Metaphors have no power to save us.  You really are this kind of God, loving, compassionate, meek and mild, yet you come with great power and glory.  This season help us Lord to fall into your "Advent Arms" as we remember that you are a most wonderful, merciful, loving, saving shepherd of our souls, that you are Immanuel, the God who is both FOR us and WITH us this Advent season.

I pray this with Advent wonder and amazement, knowing I'm being held in your "Advent Arms" in the matchless name of Jesus, Amen.

Stan Coleman
Senior Pastor
South Palm Community Church
Lake Worth, FL


South Palm Community Church


“Wrap Me In Your Arms” by Freddy Rodriguez