
Saturday, August 1, 2015


At our July 2015 meeting, everyone took the time to have some fun celebrating "Christmas In July".  We have done this for many, many years and each time, we not only had lots of laughter but we took the time to help others.

Now just sit back and I hope we get you in the mood to celebrate "Christmas In July".
Enjoy Michael Buble singing "It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas"

Mary Lou, our director of the N.J. Chapter (on the left) does a GREAT job putting the programs together along with her loyal workers. These ladies have been with the program for over twenty years. May God bless these ladies as they continue to serve the Lord.

Now stay with us as I show you some of the ladies that attended this party!  There were over 80 ladies that special day. 

These ladies above took the time to have some fun and laughter, but never once did they forget to serve the Lord by helping others.

"Friends Needing Friends" have been for many years helping a special ministry called "Choices of the Heart" directed by Rita Reyes, located in Turnersville, N.J.  Our calling was to help gather brand new articles of clothing and toys for the new babies.

Not only did they help the babies at "Choices of the Heart" but they also financially support ten widows living in India from the Kerusomen Gospel Ministries.  Each month along with the FNF in Florida help these ladies with a check for food and medical supplies.  Pictured below are five of the ladies, The other five live in areas that are difficult for the ladies to be put on this blog. Prayers are needed for all of the widows.

Now we can not forget about our Teddy Bear Ministry.  Teddy Bears go to many widows, that are sick or in the hospital. Over the years hundreds and hundreds of teddy bears have been give to many widows.

A special blessing to everyone from FNF that has helped to serve others.

As I close this post I ask that we all pray for Mary Lou who is the director of New Jersey chapter. Mary Lou will be having knee surgery this week. May her surgery go smoothly and may her recovery be swift.