
Sunday, March 27, 2016

One Step at a Time

*Genesis 12: Abraham learned to trust God to lead him one step at a time. God essentially told him, “Trust Me with this first step, because it is best for you to go where I lead you.” At that time, Abraham might have wondered whether or not packing up his tent and leaving his family and his country would be to his advantage, but God told him to go to the place that He will show him and Abraham simply obeyed.
When God gave Abraham this instruction, He gave him only step one, not step two. Abraham would not get to step two until he had accomplished step one. This is so simple, but so profound: God gives us direction one step at a time.

You may be like many people who refuse to take step one until they think they understand steps two, three, four, and five. If so I hope you will be inspired to go forward in God’s plan for your life by trusting Him with the first step. Understanding that His will for you is revealed a step at a time should build your confidence to do at least what you already know to do. After the first few steps, your faith will grow because you will realize there is always sure footing beneath each step God instructs you to take.
Know that God has a good plan for your life and that you will be blessed when you obey Him. You can miss out on blessings by not obeying what God clearly tells you to do. He shows you the way to go, and you are to walk in that direction. Sometimes God may be gracious enough to carry you part of the way, but there comes a time when the carrying is over, and He says, “Now walk.”

God wants you to obey Him quickly. He does not want you to argue with Him for three or four weeks before you will do a simple little thing. He wants you to trust Him and Abraham, take the first step He calls you to take in faith.

*Notes and Commentary
By Joyce Meyer
The Everyday Life Bible

My friends, since I have read the Bible several times, this year as Joyce Meyer has been encouraging everyone to do, is to STUDY the Bible. I am doing just that - one chapter or step at a time. As you can see I am only on chapter 12 and I am ready to start my first article for our FNF Blog.  

Friends Needing Friends is a ministry for widows only and now God has this blog reaching all of the United States and many foreign countries.  No matter where you live, becoming a widow is a unique series of events and changes in our individual lives. Abraham learned to trust God to lead him one step at a time as we should be doing. God essentially told Abraham, “Trust Me with this first step, because it is best for you to go where I lead you.”

Trusting God is what we widows should be doing right after our mate has passed, because our first steps into widowhood can be very frightening.  When God gave Abraham this instruction, to trust Him, He gave him only step one, not step two. Abraham would not get to step two until he had accomplished step one. This is so simple, but so profound: God gives us direction one step at a time.

We all have heard of the different stages of grief and that is a must that we work through these stages. If we don’t our emotions will keep us from going on in life. The next two paragraph from the above article are so true:

 “Know that God has a good plan for your life and that you will be blessed when you obey Him. You can miss out on blessings by not obeying what God clearly tells you to do. He shows you the way to go, and you are to walk in that direction. Sometimes God may be gracious enough to carry you part of the way, but there comes a time when the carrying is over, and He says, “Now walk.”

God wants you to obey Him quickly. He does not want you to argue with Him for three or four weeks before you will do a simple little thing. He wants you to trust Him and, Abraham, take the first step He calls you to take in faith.

 It is not easy going through the different stages of grief, but God does have a plan for us widows, I 

know because He has blessed me many times over and over again.  Just “trust” God and follow His directions. “One step at a time”.

Message by Dotti Ackerman
Founder & Director of Friends Needing Friends
Est. 1988

                                                               By Lynda Randle

                                                                    By Lynda Randle

                                                                  By Lynda Randle