
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Part II, 29th Anniversary of Friends Needing Friends

Once again, it’s time to celebrate. WOW!  Do we serve such an awesome God.  He tells us time and time again in the Bible to celebrate, unwind, relax, and enjoy yourself. If you seriously think about it, it’s His way of restoring our mind and bodies after completing a task and to preparing us to get ready for another. 

Friends Needing Friends is celebrating their 29th Anniversary of this ministry. Twenty-ninth years ago God called me into the ministry of helping the widows and to create a sisterhood for widows only.  To read all about how the ministry was started – click above to “Our Founder & Mission”.

We started our celebration on Monday, June 12th with a meeting in Turnersville, New Jersey.  Pastor Bruce Sofia was their guest speaker and Mary Lou Tweed as the director of FNF in N.J. Pastor Bruce was my pastor for over twenty-five years and encouraged me to start this widow ministry. 
We have many times related to you that FNF is a sisterhood. A sisterhood that is always ready to help each other, as our Bible verse states in 2 Corinthians 1:3-5.

Now get comfortable and get ready to receive a special blessing. FNF has a wonderful photographer Diana Clark who took many pictures of the great time they all had in the New Jersey’s FNF’s 29th Anniversary Party.
A beautiful celebratory cake for FNF 29 years!

At each meeting, the ladies sing a beautiful song, “Loving God, Loving Each Other”. The chorus is as follows:
Loving God, loving each other,
Making music with my friends;
Loving God, loving each other,
And the music never ends..



Our first meeting of FNF met June 28th at a little restaurant in Williamstown, NJ with ten ladies, including myself. Eight of the ladies have gone home to glory and the last two ladies are remaining and still serving the Lord. God bless you, Ruth! Thank you, Mary Lou, for honoring this special lady. 

It truly blesses my heart to see all the ladies meeting each month at the country house, in Turnersville, N.J. 

 Loving God, loving each other,
And the music never ends. 

Get ready now to see the wonderful ladies that attended the 29th Anniversary of Friends Needing Friends at our Turnersville, N.J. meeting.  

Loving God, Loving Each Other...Gaither Trio

A favorite song that is sung by the ladies at many of their meetings. 

Monday, June 19th, Friends Needing Friends' chapter met at the Son Life Lutheran Community Church in Boynton Beach, Florida, to celebrate our 29th Anniversary.

This map of the world has a red tack to show us the many countries that are FNF blog is being shown. Over 17 countries our blog is being read. We have close to 35,000 hits.

The only male in the picture is our new pastor. Pastor Jordan Davis.

Pastor Jordan Davis

Kristine is our wonderful photographer of the Florida Chapter.

Thank you, God for the 29 years of your protection, love, and provision for the widow. Thank you for all the ladies that have served in both FNF ministries and in India. We thank you for our churches that have sponsored this special ministry. We thank you for our FNF blog that has reached our country and internationally. We thank you for everyone that has participated in our FNF blog. Only you could reach out to the world and help these widows. You are truly an awesome God. 
I love you God, your servant,
Dotti Ackerman
Founder and Director of FNF

Thank you, Lord by Don Moen