
FL Chapter Pics


May God Favor our photographer, Kristine. Every meeting she has volunteered her time to take the wonderful pictures of our ministry. 

Below are pictures of just some of our FNF Florida group meetings, so that you can see the ladies who make up our southern sisterhood of widows.

The pictures below are from our November 16th, 2020 meeting. We are now meeting in the church area because having to seat 6 feet apart and every other row. That are the rules we all have to follow because of this horrible virus. Below is Monique getting ready to check the ladies into the meeting. Also, we all have to wear masks at each meeting. 

It is so good to see our ladies. It all seem so strange. We have to be apart as much as possible.  No hugging. 

Notice the seating at the church. We are all praying to when we can sit close to each other.

Now I know you are wondering why we have a chicken at our meeting. FNF chapters are doing a fund raiser for our chapter of ladies in India.  The plan is to purchase chickens, roosters & goats. This will help the widows in India to have a small business. 

Thank you Janet for bringing in this chicken as a special guest. (Smile)

We have added a special part of our program. We have a Bible teacher that does our widow messages from the Bible.  Click on the main part of this blog to be blessed with the messages. 

                              January 20th 2020 Meeting 

 Pastor Kathy and Kathlein were our guest speakers. The spoke to us about their trip to India to meet all of the widows that FNF supports.

 Christmas party in India.  We gave them a special teddy bear to be given to another widow, cash that they were to just spend on theirselve. Below is a thank you card from the widows in India to all of our widows that supported this Christmas Party.

We start our meeting each month with prayer and thanksgiving. 

December 9th "Christmas In India"

Friends Needing Friends November 18th meeting. Enjoying the wonderful day and preparing to celebrate "Christmas In India" 

The pictures was taken at our last Friends Needing Friends International Ministry on Monday, Sept. 16th. We are all practicing for our special program "Christmas In India" to be held December 9th, 2019 We are practicing how to greet others with saying "Namaste". A greeting that puts you on equal ground. FNF supports 17 widows from the Kerusomen Gospel Ministry.

June 17th, 2018 - FNF celebrated everyone's birthday with the theme of "Mad Hatter" As you can plainly see, we all dressed with nothing that matched. What a fun time everyone just laughed at each other's outfits.  

FNF  May 20th, meeting.
FNF Sisterhood of Florida had their May's meeting on the 20th. Our special guest was Eylse Brown from the Palm Beach County Fire Rescue. 

FNF April 15th meeting.

March 18th 2019 meeting of FNF

March 18, 2019

At each meeting of FNF, we try to celebrate a special theme. Lots of decorations, good food, and lots of laughter.  At this meeting, "Bingo" was the game of the day. 

and food are waiting for you to enjoy. 

The four ladies below are the winners of the day!

February 18, 2019 
Welcome to our Valentine Celebration

A beautiful prayer to start our FNF meeting. 

A wonderful song that we sing at every meeting. 
Psalm 118:24 - This is the day that the Lord has made. We (I) will rejoice and be glad in it. 

A beautiful table setting that each lady received. May God favor all the ladies that helped to make this Valentine's party a success.
The three ladies are from India. I know they do not celebrate Valentine's Day as we do in the states, but we included them in this celebration.
Thank you ladies! This is our sign-in table and these ladies do an outstanding job.
The ladies gave many "Favor" cards to people as the Holy Spirit led them to share.
This has become a special part of our program.

Our new teddy bears and brochures have arrived and now we are ready to share the love of God.
Have beautiful "live" flowers is a special on Valentine's Day!

Our menu was delicious - Thanks to this special lady and her team! 

Lots and lots of fellowship.
Our guest speaker was Rev. Alan Platt. The message was a terrific blessing to our FNF ladies.
Pastor and his beautiful wife. Thank you so much. We all hope you both will be able to come again.
Plan to come to our next meeting in April. 

January 2019 Meeting - FNF

We try to have a different theme for our program each month. This year (2018) our theme was to have a Hawaiian Christmas Party.  

The above is our own Christmas Pineapple tree with grapes as the Christmas balls. 

Mother Sherry & daughter Kristine are special to FNF. Kristine does all our photography and Sherry makes all the decisions concerning our brunches. 

Game time!

Winners of the contest! 

Honestly, we don't always look this way. The above is Dotti (director of FNF) and Kristine our photographer.

Cheri and Sherry are in charge of our brunches. 

Watermelon time was the theme for July's meeting.

At one of our meetings, we had a basket with goodies as a fundraiser for our widows in India's for their Christmas Party. 

Time to celebrate Purim!  (Sept. 2017)
Purim Party 2017
Purim Party 2017
Purim Party 2017

Our Teddy Bear Ministry. These bears are given to any widow that is in the hospital or home sick. Also, the Bible is given to any new widow that has attended two meetings.

The theme for our meeting in 2016 was a wonderful treat for all the ladies. A setup of a spa and we all had our nails and a wonderful peaceful time relaxing in a quiet atmosphere of a spa. 
Spa Day at FNF, May 2016

Spa Day at FNF, May 2016

Pastor Kathy doing the nails of one of our ladies treating us all to a
Spa Day at FNF, May 2016