
India Chapter Pics

Hope. Opportunity. Community. Daisy never thought she'd have her own business. She was a sick, middle-aged widow with no job skills. She was truly in a pickle. But Kerusomen's Isos Class encouraged her to rethink her options and God given gifts. They also gave her the resources, training, support and encouragement she needed to succeed.Today she has a small home-based business making - wait for it - pickles! She sells them to local shops and it has changed her life for the better. It brings her joy to be able to help other widows in need. It brings us joy, too. Want to empower a widow today? 
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Friends Needing Friends

Widows in Boynton Beach Help Widows in India

In India, many widows are viewed as a burden.
Those who cannot earn an income, are kicked out of the family home. Many are abandoned in Viridavan, known as the city of widows. 

In many areas of India, they are often blamed for their husband's death and abandoned, abused or ignored due to this widespread superstition.

When Friends Needing Friends learned about the plight
 of sister widows in India – we had to help!

After all, who better to help widows than widows?           

Today, Friends Needing Friends partners
 with Kerusomen Gospel Ministries 
to support 20 widows in India

Kerusomen (Greek for "Proclaim") has grown over the past several years to include over 35 churches located throughout both south and north India. Kerusomen in the U.S. works with Kerusomen in South India.

Friends Needing Friends helps widows with basic needs like food…

And special celebrations like Christmas…

Because of Friends Needing Friends these widows in India
know that they are loved and special to God.

Kerusomen Gospel Ministries in India was founded by Rev. Sahavadas in the state of Kerala, India located at India's southern tip.  Below is Dotti Ackerman, FNF founder pictured with Pastor Saha and his wife when they were guests at a past FNF meeting.

Rev. Sahavadas & Anju Simon

Pictures from Christmas In India - 2018 

 FNF also gave each lady an extra $5.00 as a Christmas Gift

Take a peek at the banner with FNF name on it.