
Friday, April 10, 2015


St. Patrick's Day Celebration

Good morning Friends, 

I know St. Patrick’s Day comes before Easter, but this year we had a little technical problems with one of our computers. Praise God all has been corrected.

What is Webster’s Dictionary definition of the word “Sisterhood”?

The definition of the word “sisterhood” is: “an organization of women with a common interest, as for social, charitable, or female members of a church”.

Our sisterhood for 27 years has physically and financially supported several charitable organizations. We have a Teddy Bear ministry, where once again we obeyed God by visiting the sick and the shut-ins with His love.  This past 18 months we have been supporting 7 widows at the Kerusomen Gospel Ministries in India.

Yes, we have met the dictionary’s description of the word “sisterhood” and yes our ladies have obeyed the LORD by sharing the comfort that God has given to us.
But there is one more word in the definition of sisterhood and the word is “SOCIAL”.  Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day is definitely a “social” fun time.
It is time to share with you pictures from our St. Patrick’s social in Florida and New Jersey.  Both chapters of FNF wore a little green, but they all had to come with beautiful Irish smiles. You have to realize that on St. Patrick’s Day – EVERYBODY is Irish.

Shari Hervold wrote in a previous article “It is okay to plan for holidays to be different. Be realistic about what you can handle, both physically and emotionally. But do celebrate, for this is God’s will for you and you will marvel at the strength He will provide as His joy floods your heart.”

Now my friends…let’s view the pictures.

The first group of ladies is from FNF Florida 

 Our second group of ladies is from FNF, Turnersville, New Jersey.  The First lady is the photographer of this group, Diane. 

Many of these beautiful ladies have been with FNF for over 10-25 years.

A group picture is always special to me. God bless each and everyone.