
Thursday, April 2, 2015


When Others Fail You, God Will Step In

I was conversing with a widow recently who told me that after her husband died she looked to her family to help her through those initial rough weeks following his death and funeral. As a new widow with a teenage son, she also looked to male relatives to assist her by providing some male role models who would help fill the large gap left by the death of her son’s father. But that didn’t occur and she was upset and disappointed. However, other men, godly professional men stepped up and,  not only took her son to sports events and the like, but directed him on a career path, guiding her son into manhood. In looking back on this she saw that while she looked to family – in vain – God knew what she and her son needed. He sent into their lives just the individuals who would help ease her burden of grief and frustration, as well as step in and assist her in a parenting role for which she wasn’t totally prepared. She kept saying over and over to me that while she was initially upset at her family, she now realizes that God knew and sent just the individuals she needed. Perhaps you have experienced a similar situation or are in the throes of the disappointment of having those in whom you trusted fail you. 

Let me ask you to consider the story of Mary, the mother of Jesus. We all know of Mary, having first read about her when the angel Gabriel appeared to tell her that she would bear the Messiah. Scripture doesn’t give us many details about Mary, her thoughts, her emotions, or any of her reactions to all that was happening in her life other than to tell us that she contemplated or pondered it all in silence and quiet devotion to God.

Many authorities believe that Mary was widowed when Jesus was a teenager, leaving him, as the oldest son, in charge of Joseph’s carpenter shop.  We have scant knowledge of Jesus’ family life. Most authorities believe that they met his divinity with skepticism, perhaps even derision. There’s no mention in Scripture of their presence with Mary during Jesus’ mock trial and cruel treatment prior to his crucifixion.

 In fact, one of the most poignant moments recorded in Scripture occurs when Jesus is hanging on the cross in agony of spirit and body. As Mary stood in the terrible heat, listening to the shrieks of the two thieves on either side of Jesus, he looked at her and slowly, painfully managed to utter the words, “Woman, here is your son.”  He then summoned the energy to bend his head toward John and said, “Here is your mother.” (John 19:26-27 MEV) Why John and not a family member? One can just imagine what would have awaited Mary were she to lean on her family for comfort and protection. They would most likely have scoffed and said, “Well, we told you he was a fraud. What did you expect?” But God knew exactly whom she needed to provide her with just what she needed in that stage of her life.

Many church historians agree that John resided in Jerusalem and lovingly cared for Mary until she died. Let Mary’s story be a beautiful lesson to you of God’s unfailing love for you. When those on whom you look to for comfort and support fail you, remember that God knows what’s best for you and will lead into your life the individuals who will succor you and bring you just what you need as you go through the thorny times of life.  Our loving heavenly Father is always with you, and He will not fail to provide   your every need. There are so many verses in God’s Word that tell of His love for the widow, as well as strong censures to those who would ill-treat them.  Even though you have lost your earthly husband, you have a loving heavenly father who is watching out for you. 

God’s promises to the widow.

In closing, let me remind you that Jesus didn’t stay in that grave, but three days after that most horrible of deaths, he arose triumphantly over sin and death. And because he did and now sits at the right hand of God and intercedes for us, we can boldly come to him about any of our concerns. I encourage you to make him Lord of your life and entrust all of your life into his loving care.
                                                                                                                              By Shari Hervold

This beautiful song "God Will Take Care of You" by David Phelps will touch your heart and remind us of God's perfect love.
 In the above message by Shari Hervold, God knew exactly what the widow's son needed and supplied that need.