Sweet Sweet Spirit in this place.
Welcome video from Shari Hervold for Oct''s 21st meeting
Elisha - Widow w/oil
What's it like being a widow in India
Message to our ladies - FNF
Pictures from the year 2021
Friends Needing Friends Florida's meetings.
10th Anniversary - Feb 28th 1988 held at the South Palm Church.
The video was taken at our last Friends Needing Friends International Ministry on Monday, Sept. 16th. We are all practicing for our special program "Christmas In India" to be held December 9th, 2019 We are practicing how to greet others with saying "Namaste". A greeting that puts you on equal ground. FNF supports 17 widows from the Kerusomen Gospel Ministry.
The Angel Team and their creative genius Pastor Kathy Caprio created a year's worth of celebrations for the widows at Friends Needing Friends in Boynton Beach.
Don't miss this medley of precious memories: Spa Day, Mardi Gras, Tea Party, Pumpkin Party, Thanksgiving, Christmas in Hawaii and many more...
Video - Florida - Click the play button and enjoy!